Q & A
A : Under the Direct Sales and Direct Marketing Act, a member of any direct selling company may resign from being an executive or member. This resignation includes cancellation of ID and obligations toward conditions of Giffarine Skyline Unity Co., Ltd. If you wish to reapply for membership, the following conditions shall be complied with:
1. Star to Bronze Star Members : If the member wishes to resign and cancel the existing ID, the member cannot reapply within six months (from the date of the last purchase under the member ID);
2. Bronze Starto Gold Star Members If the member wishes to resign and cancel the existing ID,the member cannot reapply within one year (from the date of the last purchase under the member ID);
3. Mercury Member and above : If the member wishes to resign and cancel the existing ID, the member cannot reapply.
A : Initially, if any allergic reaction occurs, stop use immediately. The member may present the goods and relevant receipt at the center where the goods have been purchased. For severe allergic reaction such as red rashes and itchiness that require treatment, the Company may refer the patient to the clinic with experts in the area. You can exchange the goods or request refund from the business center where you purchased the goods.
A : Giffarine members can exchange goods within 30 days from the date of the receipt under the following conditions:
1. Goods must be in good condition and have not been removed form their packaging.
2. Member must be able to present the relevant receipt at the branch which issues the receipt.
3. Giffarine members may only exchange goods specified in the receipt once.
* Other conditions shall be in accordance with the conditions specified in the application packet.
A : Giffarine provides monthly accident insurance for death or loss of organ due to accident with the sum insured of 120,000 – 320,000 Baht (based on the position) to members who maintain the specified sales (in accordance with the position).
A : Upline is the referrer, the most important element of Giffarine business. A referrer provides you with method of work, and introduce you to Giffarine products. Therefore, choosing the right referrer is essential as you can not change your referrer.
Downline is a person referred by a member or executive and applied as member next in line to the member or the executive.
A : A large proportion of income earned by Giffarine executives is from the market share which Giffarine would otherwise lose in the retail channel. Therefore, this amount will be paid as dividends to Giffarine executives at 45-50%, the highest of all direct selling companies.
The most important feature of Giffarine business is the good quality products with prices that are no different from goods in retail business. Therefore, all Giffarine members can purchase good products at reasonable price, and obtain dividends.
A : A consumer network consists of consumers and executives created by referral as soon as one transfers the business concept and impression in the products to one’s acquaintances. A network may starts with only two to three members but may double and triple without having to solicit many people, by maintaining and creating business owner perspective through transfer of knowledge and understanding in the business systematically. This can start from a small group of people, who will then grow into a large network, generating large income and leading to endless success of the network pioneers.
When you are invited to join Giffarine business, and other people are invited, the memberships last a lifetime with no renewal required. This makes Giffarine business unique.
A : You can start your Giffarine business easily with the concept of inviting Thai people to become your business partners by purchasing daily life products from the Company. You are an owner of the goods and the business under the care of Giffarine and are entitled to dividends of up to 45-50%, which increases based on the network of growing consumers who purchase goods regularly. Under this concept, Giffarine is like the parent company, and you are the subsidiary.
The highlight of Giffarine is when you create a network of consumers or invite others to join your business, their memberships last a lifetime. Therefore, you own the consumer network perpetually and no one is cut out from you network.
Moreover, the Company implements a system to support and promote your growth and profits. Therefore, Giffarine executives have the advantage of operating business with smaller investment and risk, but receive good return in a short period of time as well as stability in the long run due to the Giffarine consumer network built.
Income of your Giffarine business is generated through purchase of goods by all in the network. The Company will share the income that would have otherwise been lost in the market share in the retail and whole sale business in the form of dividends paid to executives and Giffarine members fairly.
A : Giffarine sells goods through a direct sales system. Therefore, goods must be ordered through the direct sales system in the form of member purchase. At only 180 Baht per application, you can become a lifetime member with no membership renewal required, and can purchase Giffarine goods with an instant 25% discount.
Apply for membership in person at the Giffarine Business Center or through a Giffarine executive. If you live in the area with delivery service, you may apply through the delivery channel with the first purchase order, or apply online (for application for membership, click here). You can apply for Giffarine membership without any referral and may later choose a reference to your satisfaction.
A : If you are already a Giffarine Member, you can order the products by three methods:
1. Purchase the products in person at all branches of business centers.
2. Purchase the products through Giffarine Delivery.
– Bangkok and surroudning vicinity: order the goods and check the delivery area at the Delivery Center, Tel. 0-2619-5222 , with delivery charges based on the distance. * Special: Purchase goods for 1,500 PV and above for free next-day delivery.
– Provinces: order the goods by phone from business centers that provide delivery service (for distance of 10-15 kilometers from the Giffarine center offering delivery service) >>> Check branches with delivery service
3. Order the products online at www.giffarineshopping.com The goods will be delivered by EMS mail.If you do not have a member ID, Giffarine recommends applying for membership prior to purchasing the goods in order to obtain 25% discount.
A : Giffarine have over 2,000 items of goods that can satisfy the needs of consumers of all levels. Giffarine has its own factories, and therefore, can control the manufacturing from the selection of raw materials from around the world, to the modern production process that meets international standard controlled by physicians and pharmacists. For this reason, Giffarine products are well accepted in over 33 countries across the world. With reasonable pricing, Giffarine products are sold at reasonable price affordable by all consumers.