The History of the Company

The leader of the Network Marketing Business Brand
With all-dimensional strengths. Our origin dates back to the product development through the dedicated collaboration of physicians and pharmacists to offer a better quality of life for all Thais. The products are academically accredited. We adhere to sincerity and responsibility for all consumers. Our continual rise in sales figures is fueled by visionary marketing planning and efficient sales plans that reinforce the stability of Giffarine business persons. We offer quality products as the leading network operation that stands ready to resonate with demands and strive for the long-term satisfaction of consumers.
Business Category
and Market Expansion
We are a direct sales company and the network marketing with Stair Step + Unilevel payment. This scheme can ensure limitless and stable income that will grow new entrepreneurs and sustainability. Our consumer product line includes over 2,000 items and has generated a return on investment of 97.711 billion baht.

Giffarine is a member of the Thai Direct Selling Association or TDSA, under the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations or WFDSA, and is legally registered as a direct selling body with the Office of The Consumer Protection Board (OCPB).